Hollywood Bound Acting Academy is an affordable curriculum based Acting school. In line with top acting school practices, our acting classes cover techniques for engaging inner life, accessing imagination, and building the vocal instrument.
​One of the finest acting schools, offering acting, modeling classes & much more.
Call Us Now: 702-583-4997
Demo reels & Web design
​An actor's demo reel is video or audio presentation that's used to show off your acting skills to an individual or company you'd like to work with. It's full of clips of your past work. Demo reels are sometimes called demo tapes or show reels. They're a crucial marketing tool for actors, so it's important to learn how to create an effective actor's demo reel.
Head shots & Modeling portfolios
So you've decided to become an actor or model, but you're not quite sure where to begin. Every actor, whether in movies, television or theater has a headshot. It is an actor's introduction. It's the first impression you'll make on an agent or casting director before you even walk in the door. All work done by Las Vegas Premier Celebrity Photographer Rodney Marullo.
Talent Showcases & Auditions
HBAA often put together performance events that feature a number of our students. These showcases commonly expose spectators to a small array of entertainers that fit a particular need. . The crowd at a showcase varies from possible clients to industry folk who can offer future projects.

Call Us Now: ​702-583-4997